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Ride, Ride, and Ride some more!

Through Ride1k we hope to remind the community of one idea that seems to be lost - riding your bike, and I mean really riding your bike. 1,000 miles in 24 hours, that is!


But more than that this ride is about challenging yourself, and extending your ability as a rider, thus making you a more experienced and confident rider. So whether you Ride1k, or we inspired you to ride 200 miles where you've otherwise never left your neighborhood... we've accomplished our goal!


Challenge yourself. Treat yourself to an experience that is so unique, and truly life changing. After riding 1,000 miles in 24 hours everything feels so much closer. Even make the journey that much more memorable by doing it with a few friends. Share the story, the pain, and carry a memento of that ride in the form of a patch. Another badge of honor for the collection that reminds us, and proudly displays, why we ride: the community, crushing miles, and the places those two wheels takes us.

The rules are simple

Just get on your bike and Ride1k! Forget the paperwork, all you need is a couple photos, then send them to us after you've recovered.


All the details can be found here.

© 2016 RIDE 1K IN A DAY by Curtis Morgan

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